Cosmovision and Spirituality
A Space to Study and Practice Cosmovision
Ceremonia de unión Maya. Fotografía por Vida Digna.
"Why is it that when indigenous young people go to the city or to another country, we stop talking about our culture and our identity?
"At times we even deny our practices and the cosmogonic knowledge of our mothers and grandmothers, our fathers and grandfathers.
"It's because years of systemic impoverishment and misinformation have made us think that our culture is backward or socially disadvantaged. This leads us to devalue our culture and, foremost, the practice of our spirituality.
"At the same time, a renewed interest in Mayan spirituality is blooming. We are reclaiming the millenary wisdom of our ancestors: Resistance is knowing how to project ourselves in life; the path has been carved in our own hands through Mayan cosmovision." -- Johana López, President, Board of Directors
Our program in Cosmovision and Spirituality is a space where people, especially indigenous youth, come to study and practice cosmovision in an environment of reflection and sharing. This program supports youth to explore their potential and to learn to channel the energies (nawalib') and the spirit (rub´uxel o t-xew).
Through the Cosmovision and Spirituality initiative, Vida Digna studies the different Mayan calendars with intergenerational groups and spiritual guides. Here, the Mayan ceremony returns to its original standing as the first school of life. Social organizations, cultural groups, and individuals seek out
Uaxactún. Photo by Henning Sac.
Vida Digna for its guidance on the elements and materials used in Mayan ceremonies. We invite you to contact us for more information.
Cosmosvision: Every culture has a way of seeing, feeling, perceiving and projecting the world, the combination is known as Cosmovision or Cosmic Vision. Our ancestors made our culture flourish inspired by the expression of the multiverse, where everything is understood as connected and interrelated and nothing is left out. Everything is part of the harmony and equilibrium of one and all.
Mayan ceremony. Photo by Henning Sac.
Spirituality: Spirituality is the set of talents, ideas, values, and mystical thoughts that guide behavior and from which the future of humanity is understood. In Mayan spirituality, people determine their own life in their natural environment and in accordance with the universe, projecting and interrelating actions of all their social, cultural, economic, and sociopolitical activities with the purpose of living well personally, on a family level, and collectively.
It coordinates life in its natural environment and with the universe. Spirituality also embodies the purpose of living well --- personally, in